Group Members
Guangwei Gao
Fei Wu
Quan Zhou
Ph.D. Candidates (博士生)
Guoan Xu (PhD@UTS, co-advised by Prof. Wenjing Jia)
Zhengxue Wang (PhD@NJUST, co-advised by Prof. Jian Yang)
Keren He (PhD@Hosei University, co-advised by Prof. Jinjia Zhou)
Yufei Gao (PhD@Hosei University, co-advised by Prof. Jinjia Zhou)
M.S. Candidates (硕士生)
2023~ : Mr. Le Zhou (周乐)
2023~ : Mr. Jiaqi Tang (唐嘉琦)
2023~ : Ms. Siyu Xu (徐思宇)
2023~ : Mr. Haisheng Wang (王海生)
2022~ : Ms. Liping Wang (王利萍)
2022~ : Mr. Xujie Wan (万徐杰)
2022~ : Ms. Chunying Liu (刘春颖)
2022~ : Mr. Yangyang Qiu (邱杨杨)
Alumni (毕业生)
2021~2024: Mr. Rui Dou (豆锐), research topic: face super-resolution. 1 IET CVI (CCF C)
2021~2024: Mr. Haonan Jin (金昊男), research topic: single image super-resolution. 1 TIM
2021~2024: Mr. Dawei Xu (徐大伟), research topic: semantic segmentation. 1 invention patent
2021~2024: Ms. Jiawen Li (李佳雯), research topic: face super-resolution. 1 ACPR
2020~2023: Mr. Xiang Ye (叶响), research topic: cross-modality person re-id. 1 ICPR (CCF C)
2020~2023: Mr. Wenjie Li (李文杰), research topic: single image super-resolution. 1 AAAI (CCF A), 1 TMM (CCF B). Now a Ph.D. student at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
2020~2023: Mr. Zixaing Xu (许子祥), research topic: face super-resolution. 1 TIP (CCF A)
2020~2023: Ms. Mengchun Zhang (张梦纯), research topic: semantic segmentation. 1 invention patent
2019~2022: Mr. Hao Shao (邵昊), research topic: cross-modality person re-id. 1 Chinese patent, 1 WWW (CCF B). Now a Ph.D. student at Nankai University
2019~2022: Mr. Lei Tang (唐雷), research topic: face super-resolution. 1 Chinese patent, 1 EI paper, 1 TMM (CCF B)
2019~2022: Mr. Guoan Xu (徐国安), research topic: semantic segmentation. 1 Chinese patents, 2 TITS (CCF B), 1 TMM (CCF B). Now a Ph.D. student at the University of Technology Sydney
2019~2022: Mr. Zhengxue Wang (王正学), research topic: single image super-resolution. 1 Chinese patent, 1 ICME (CCF B), 1 IJCAI (CCF A), 1 TOMM (CCF B). Now Ph.D. student at NJUST
2018~2021: Ms. Wan Zhang (张皖), 2 Chinese patents, 1 EI paper; now work at Huawei Technology in Nanjing
2017~2020: Ms. Dong Zhu (朱冬), 2 Chinese patents, 1 SCI paper, 研究生国家奖学金; now work in Suzhou
2017~2020: Mr. Yannan Wang (汪焰南), 2 Chinese patents,1 SCI paper; now works in Nanjing
2016~2019: Mr. Zangyi Hu (胡藏艺), 1 Chinese patent,1 SCI paper; now work at Huawei Technology in Nanjing